The Locum Tenens Psychiatrist Career Guide
If you’re going to be a successful Locum Tenens Psychiatrist, there are a few things you should know.
First, you should know that your services are in high demand! According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 44 million people in the United States suffer from mental health disorders. And since there are fewer psychiatrists coming out of residencies than ever before, the number of job openings for psychiatrists – permanent and temporary – are many.
Get Board Certified
Next, if you’re board certified, you’re even more in demand.
Board Certified Psychiatrists are needed to work with children and adult inpatients, in outpatient settings, among geriatric populations, at addiction centers and in forensic roles.
(Telepsychiatry is also an avenue open to psychiatrists today that wouldn’t have been possible six pre-pandemic.)
Location, Location, Location
But one of the best things you can do to make sure you’re ideally positioned for the psychiatrist locum tenens job market is to pay attention to location.
In many cases, inner city hospitals and rural areas of the country are where psychiatrists are needed most. It may not be the first locale you’d think of when researching locum tenens job opportunities – and it’s probably not going to do a lot for your Instagram following – but depending on your experience and the community’s need, it may be exactly where you will find the success you’re looking for.
Know What You Want
Once you know the jobs are out there, take a minute to decide what you want – and, know what you’re worth! Do your research before accepting the first contract that comes your way. Consider if this locum tenens assignment is going to help you achieve your next career goal.
Get Organized
There’s no shame in making a list! What do you want out of your next locum tenens assignment? What kind of jobs are you looking for? Do you want to work with veterans? Children? Adolescents with addiction disorders? It’s all out there.
But while you’re making lists, take time to do a personal inventory, too. What are YOUR strengths and weaknesses? What type of environment will allow you to thrive?
Who Do You Know?
Make your connections work for you. You’ve spent years – either in school, during residency, or at your first few jobs – building a network of colleagues who probably each know a few other hundred medical professionals. Chances are, you’re just a few degrees of separation away from the perfect job posting!
And, Finally…
Contact SUMO Medical Staffing to help make the introduction!
SUMO Medical Staffing has a proven track record in helping locum tenens psychiatrists find the job that best fits their needs. Our staffing representatives are ready to discuss your career goals and future. Request a consultation with a locum tenens staffing specialist today.